Office Administration Assistant, Office Administration Manager
8:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday-Friday
1. 업체명:Mio Sushi International
2. 위치:2250 NW 22nd Ave. Suite 406, Portland, OR 97210
3. 모집분야: Office Administration Assistant, Office Administration Manager
4. 급여조건: Minimum $17/hr + , may increase depending on Experience and Qualification
5. 지원자신분 요건: 누구나 가능( ) vs. 합법적 세금 보고가능자에 한함 ( x )
6. 근무시간:8:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday-Friday
7. 베네핏:Paid Holidays, PTO, cellphone provided for work, Free lunch
8. 필요 조건: Bilingual (Korean, English), Bachelor’s Degree with Finance/Accounting major or Equivalent Work Experience
연락처: Bryan Min, [email protected], 503-219-9762
Please write the Position you are applying as the Subtitle of the email
Please attach your Resume to the email
If you have a Cover Letter or other documents that you would like us to review, please attach them to the email
After we evaluate your Resume and other documents, and if we believe you would be a good fit, we will contact you for an interview.
Thank you for showing interest to our open position at Mio Sushi International.
01/02/18 @12:00 am
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게시판 용도와 맞지 않는 비방, 욕설이 포함된 글은 저희 사이트의 운영 방침에 따라 작성자의 의견없이 삭제 될수 있음을 미리 알려드립니다.