Sushi Chef / Full Time or Part Time (스기 맨 구함 – full/part time)

Portland Metro Area! Bluefin Tuna & Sushi is a Japanese Restaurant near Lloyd District and Irvington Historical District. Our doors opened in June 2020.

We are looking for an enthusiastic sushi chef who has experience making sushi and willing to try different methods of sushi preparation. An ideal candidate must have knowledge in sushi menu, such as names of different fish, common rolls, common cold and hot food from kitchen, and how to prepare ingredients. He or she must have the willingness to learn and be willing to take constructive feedback. We pride ourselves on excellent quality and service and expect our employees to provide the same service to our customers.

Sushi chef duties:

· Open, maintain and close the sushi bar

· Break down different fish (e.g. salmon, Hamachi, tuna, specialty fish, & etc.)

· Prepare different sushi ingredients (e.g. cucumber, green, onion, crab meat, spicy tuna, sauces, and etc.)

· Prepare food in presentable way, making sure it is created with highest detail and insight

· Assist head chef

· Be able to communicate with staff and be willing to provide our customer’s needs.

Both full and part time available.

Full time salary range: $3200 ~ $4000 plus tip (DOE)

Please submit your resume to [email protected]

한국어와 영어를 하는 분을 찾고 있습니다. 세금 보고가 가능하진 분.
관심 있으신 분은 연락 주시기 바랍니다. [email protected] /문자 503-374-4333

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by bluefintunaandsushi
04/10/21 @03:14 pm

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게시판 이용안내

게시판 용도와 맞지 않는 비방, 욕설이 포함된 글은 저희 사이트의 운영 방침에 따라 작성자의 의견없이 삭제 될수 있음을 미리 알려드립니다.



게시판 이용안내

게시판 용도와 맞지 않는 비방, 욕설이 포함된 글은 저희 사이트의 운영 방침에 따라 작성자의 의견없이 삭제 될수 있음을 미리 알려드립니다.


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